Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shimmer Fairy inside a Log

Annabell stayed home today, but Shimmer, Annabell's friend was playing by herself around a big hill made out of sand.  As she was playing, digging a little hole in the hill, a red Fireant came out of the hole and started to attack Shimmer. Within minutes thousands of Fireants came running over to see what it was all about.  They all started to attack poor Shimmer.  She screamed and cried, but no one heard little Shimmer. Their was no one around.  See, the Fireants thought that Shimmer wanted to destroy the Fireantses home.  That's why they attacked Shimmer.  The Ants were tucking and pulling and biting. 
               Stop!, she screamed, but they didn't listen.  Shimmer finally freed herself and flew towards a long log.  It was hallow inside.  She crawled inside the log to hide.  She was almost in the middle of the log.  It was all dark and spooky inside.  Shimmer was real quite.  She heard little noices moving around inside. It could be anything, she thought.  She sat and waited, oh good, those nasty Fireants didn't find her.  She got away.  While she sat down she felt something moving underneath her.  It moved slowly toward the other end of the log.  She seen the daylight and was glad she was ok.  Shimmer looked down to see what was moving her.  And seen a Woodworm, that she sat on and crawled to the end.